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Der Karnische Höhenweg - KHW 403

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Peace Trail

The Karnische Höhenweg (KHW 403), also known as “Friedensweg” or “Via della pace” in Italian, is a truly unique experience for hikers, climbers, geologists and nature-lovers alike. In its amazing diversity, this trail finds itself among the most beautiful nature trails in Europe.

From Sillian to Thörl-Maglern

At around 150km long, and following the Austro-Italian border, the trail between Sillian and Thörl-Maglern runs along the ridge of the Karnischen Alps. Encapsulating some of the world’s most beautiful scenery, this natural wonder winds through an amazing array of geological and natural landscapes. 


Due to its complex geological history, the Karnischen Alps display a diverse range of mountain and rock formations. Along the route visitors get the opportunity to hike along geologically significant “Geotrails”, founded by local, world-renowned geologists.   

KHW 403 - Start here!

Tip: Use the navigation on the start page or the arrows left and right to find your way between two points! Click here…

The entire Karnischer Höhenweg

The entire Karnische Höhenweg (KHW) can be seen in two parts. The top, high alpine section from Sillian to Mauthen and the somewhat longer section to the east of Plöckenpass. Notably, the eastern section makes for easier hiking due to its broader and less arduous terrain.

8-11 days

The whole KHW can be completed in 8 - 11 days. Quite often the high alpine and the longer section are complete separately.

Alpine Hut Reservation

All of the huts along the KHW are equipped with a telephone (and sometimes even an online booking system!). On request of the owners please book your accommodation at least a week in advance.

Fair-Play: In the event that you can't make it to your accommodation, please cancel your reservation.

The Mountian Climbers Village (Bergsteigerdorf) - Mauthen

Hot Tip: Smack bang in the middle of the KHW 403 you’ll find the picturesque village of Mauthen the perfect basecamp. Often, climbers and hikers travel to the region with family and friends and spend time in Mauthen before setting out on their great adventure through the “Karnische Hohenweg”. Now some more travel info…

Section 1: On day 1 the journey begins with a car/bus ride to the start points of Sillian or Kartitsch. After 3 – 4 days hiking you’ll reach the hut named “Valentinalm”, which represents the end of the first section. From here it is possible to continue directly onto the second section of the KHW to Thörl-Maglern, over Mauthner Alm or take the Romans path into the valley. 

Section 2: Along with the first section, Mauthen presents itself as the ideal launch pad for section 2. From here you’ll make your way to Plöckenpass before hiking through beautiful alpine meadows and rolling hills, passing through Nassfeld, to reach the final destination of Thörl-Maglern.

Bergsteigerdorf Partners

Along with all the “Bergsteigerdörfer” in Austria, we happily recommend our partners for accommodation in the area. Click here to view...

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Carnic Alpine Traile

Interactive Map - A complete overview

Click here for an overview of the complete Hohenweg. Wherever you find this symbol on the website, you are able to access map information courtesy of

Ein erster Blick auf den gesamten Karnischen Höhenweg